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What is The Confidence College?


Join the Waitlist Below!


The Confidence College is a 10-Week live group coaching experience for women who want to learn everything manifestation, spirituality, how to FORGET FEAR and start living a life of unstoppable confidence. 


I know that life can be crazy, that’s why I’ve made this experience entirely online, so that you have the flexibility to work it around your own unique schedule.

Inside The Program You Will Receive:



  • A full guided meditation library.


  • A number of in-depth video trainings.


  • 10 Weekly Workbooks filled with exercises, activities, techniques, information and further meditations (over 250 pages of content for you to keep for life).


  • Trackers – A printable PDF for you to track your progress.


  • A Welcome Pack filled with morning routines, rituals, manifestation exercises and so much more (over 60 pages of high quality content for you to keep for life).


  • Recordings of each Sister Circle session if you miss out and need to catch up, or if you want to re-watch the session.


  • Bonus Masterclasses, downloads, and meditations.




You’ll also get as part of the experience:



  • Access to a group chat with all of the women in The Confidence College, which is a great way to share, ask questions, and connect with the other women and myself throughout the week.


  • And of course the 10 Sister Circle coaching sessions with me, where we go DEEP in on everything confidence, fear, self-love, overthinking, inner critic, self-sabotage, meditation, manifestation, NLP (neural linguistic programming), spirituality, energy healing, journaling, clarity work, limiting beliefs, tapping, action plans, divine feminine, chakra balancing and so much more…

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Why The Confidence College?



I have used my experience as a 10+ year professional actress and a successful Manifestation & Confidence coach to cultivate the perfect group coaching experience for likeminded women wanting to release fear, and manifest unstoppable confidence.


I have spent the past few years perfecting my 1:1 coaching program: ‘The Energetic Abundance Academy’, and have used all of the best parts to create the juiciest, jam-packed program that will change your entire way of thinking.


My past programs have changed the lives of so many women with overwhelming reviews, and I’m so ready to move forward with something even more magical where women can support, share and learn from each other.


In today’s society, we are faced with so many decisions, opinions, judgements, doubts, pandemics, and challenges. How the hell are we meant to know that we've chosen the best life for ourselves or that we’re truly living our "purpose". HELP! 


It's my mission to guide women who are feeling lost to come back to their soul desires. To set clear goals and have an accessible action plan, to fight the fear of failure, judgement, burnout, to throw away unwanted opinions, and to take hold of their lives (for lack of a better word) by the balls! This is The Confidence College.


I'm sick of seeing women settling in their lives. Feeling like a mediocre life is “fine” (the worst word in the English dictionary) because it’s 'safe' or 'comfortable’. NO MORE! 


You have a fire in your belly and a song in your heart for a reason. If you’re feeling like there may be more to life, and bigger opportunities are out there for you, it's because… THERE IS!


The only way you are going to see change and evolution in your life is if YOU change. If you make the big moves, invest in yourself, take the risk and say yes to YOU, regardless of what others think. 


When you do that, you signal to the Universe that you're ready for more, that you’re capable and that you can handle it. As soon as you invest, things will begin happening for you… magic, miracles and manifestations. So choose you, my love. You deserve to live a life that lights you up, not one that you shy away from.




Who you’ll be at the end of the 10-weeks:



  • A woman who knows what she wants and is no longer afraid to get it.


  • She enters any situation knowing who the hell she is, and owning that.


  • She is a powerhouse manifester, manifesting anything from a delicious soul mate, to a big white Range Rover (fancy!)


  • She says NO to fear, and YES to life and it's possibilities.


  • She has a light energy, she's calm and content in who she is and the decisions she makes.


  • Healthy boundaries are her JAM!


  • She is no longer dragged down or suffocated by past trauma, fear, overthinking, opinions of others and negative mindsets.

Become so wrapped up in something that you forget to be afraid. Never let fear overpower your passion.




Fill in your details below to Join The Waitlist, or to ask any further questions about the program.

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